Interschool Equestrian Championships

Published on: November 2023

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-137130

Interschool Equestrian Championships


—I congratulate Storm W who represented Beauty Point Public School at the Interschool Equestrian Championships during the September school holidays. Competing against many other riders from schools all over the south coast and highlands of NSW, Storm was able to achieve two 4th place ribbons and a blue rosette for the Best Fancy Dress category. Over the long weekend, Storm competed in Show Jumping, Dressage, Sporting and Arena events. Her success at such a young age is clearly attributed to the dedication and hard work that Storm has given in preparation for this competition, as well as her training with her horse. Being an equestrian rider is extremely challenging, requiring extensive conditioning, muscle strength, and flexibility. I congratulate Storm for demonstrating such commitment, bravery, and integrity during this competition. Well done Storm on such a wonderful achievement, and I wish her all the best for future competitions such as these.

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