Rotary Club on the Polio Train

Published on: November 2023

Record: HANSARD-1323879322-137352

Rotary Club on the Polio Train


—I would like to congratulate Toni Field, Samantha Lee and Jiji Lee, who are members of the Rotary Club of North Sydney, for meeting the Ride for Polio Train at North Sydney. The Rotary club is well known for its community based efforts in issues like polio, and donated $1000 to the cause as October is Polio awareness month. This disease has no cure, and when contracted, can cause detrimental physical changes such as paralysis. Each year, representatives from the various Rotary Clubs travel the entire Sydney train network in a single day, with the aim of raising $1 million to fund the eradication of polio. Toni, Sam, and Jiji had a wonderful time as they hopped on and off the train as part of their campaign to end polio, taking many pictures along the way. Since launching their Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988, they have collaborated with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, working tirelessly to bring funding and awareness towards polio. I congratulate the Rotary Club of North Sydney for their persistence in the fight to end polio and helping to save countless lives.

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